Friday, March 5, 2010

Use them all

In the last few weeks I've seen the same piece of creative advice from two different channels: Use all of your ideas. One artist said that this philosophy came from observing that when she lets even one idea go, her work suffers. The other artist said that this artist told her that he uses all his ideas in part because "if an idea is any good it’s on the verge of being stupid."

I have always felt that, even in some of my best writing projects, I am a born collaborator. I get sparked & energized when working with another person. Part of it must be having an audience, being seen & heard -- a habitual need so entrenched in my psyche that I feel virtually nonexistent (ha! virtually nonexistent -- story of my life) without the mirror of an other. But the truth is I could be spending the abundance of my solitary time creating. Not just dance videos or journal entries, but clothing sketches, film treatments, book proposals, one-act plays, photography projects. Yesterday my coworker and I conjured an entire film, complete with cast, based on some wacky vision-association of a Dragonminge (too many references here to name), all conveyed over the medium of AIM. I suppose I don't have any shortage of ideas, however silly or unrealistic; what I feel lacking is the confidence and company with which to execute.

I know of one person I feel creatively linked to in a way that feels cosmically compelling. However, for the time being, emotional circumstances preclude involvement in each other's lives. Maybe someday the forces will align. For now...I'll keep scribbling and bibbling, bibbling and scribbling, and trust that the impetus & wherewithal to use all of my ideas will come.

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